Uninstalling in Windows 7 and Windows 10
To uninstall in Windows 7 or Windows 10, do this:
- Right-click the Microsoft logo at the bottom left corner of screen
- Click on Programs and Features
- Right-click on the icon for Automation Demo and click on Uninstall
- The Uninstall dialog box appears: Click Yes to uninstall
Uninstalling in Windows 8
To uninstall in Windows 8, do this on the “Metro desktop” (You may have to press the Windows key to change to the “Metro desktop”):
- Click on the Down-arrow at the bottom left corner of the screen (appears when you move the cursor)
- You now enter the list of Apps: Scroll right until you find the Windows System section
- Under Windows System: Click on Programs and Features
- A new dialog box appears: Right-click on the icon for Automation Demo and click on Uninstall
- The Uninstall dialog box appears: Click Yes to uninstall
Difficulties? / Other questions?
If you experience any kind of difficulties, please write to us here. We will return to you as soon as possible.