If you do not find the answers for your questions in the text below, please send us your questions – and get your personal answer.

1) What do I need to know before buying electrical design software?
Basically, we get two types of customers:
- Customers looking for their first electrical design program.
- Customers looking for an electrical design program that meets their needs better, than the one they already have.
Which leads us to rule #1: Don’t rush your decision when buying electrical design software! Get a free version of the program, and test the trivial tasks – which you repeat hundreds of times a day – as well as the advanced features.
– Read more about this subject in the article “How to choose the best electrical CAD software for your needs”, or get even more info here. Most of all, it is important that you take your time. Choosing an electrical CAD system is an important decision, which you will have to live with for many years to come.
2) How can I get to know PCSCHEMATIC Automation without paying?
At PCSCHEMATIC, we prefer to play with our cards open, and make it as easy as possible for you to get started right away. Therefore you have:
- The free version PCSCHEMATIC Automation Demo, containing all electrical design features, with no time or functionality limitations. (The only restriction is the project size).
- Free access to the complete set of electrical design tutorials and manuals for PCSCHEMATIC Automation.
- Free access to many hours of electrical design videos on YouTube – where you can see PCSCHEMATIC Automation in action.
- Free access to articles about electrical design CAD programs.
- Free access to our webinars
When you have bought PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you can either attend PCSCHEMATIC training in your own country, or attend a web seminar about the topics you need to get familiar with. Please write to us for further details.
3) Why should I buy PCSCHEMATIC Automation?
People buying PCSCHEMATIC Automation usually tell us they did it because:
- It is easy to work with, and is very flexible in the everyday work routines.
- The Module and Model Based drag’n draw functions, makes it possible to create electrical schematic pages extremely fast.
- We have an excellent support team, and you can get support via NetViewer. Our support team can then see your screen, and guide you directly on your own PC.
- Intelligent reuse of existing material – with intelligent renaming – saves lots of time.
- The intelligent connection between database and symbols is unique.
- Electrical standards are integrated intelligently.
- Functions for automatic project generation, automatic graphical plan generation and automatic documentation of symbols in projects/libraries. (See videos about this).
4) Can I convert my schematic diagrams from other systems to Automation?
Yes! You can convert schematic diagrams from practically speaking any CAD system to the PCSCHEMATIC Automation format – as long as the CAD system can produce DWG or DXF files. Please note, that you loose the intelligens during the conversion.
5) Can I export to other formats?
From PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you can export to the DWG and DXF formats.
PCSCHEMATIC is an active member of the Open DWG alliance.
From PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you can also export projects as intelligent PDF files with active linke between references etc.
6) Electrical standards: How well are they integrated in PCSCHEMATIC?
At PCSCHEMATIC we have detailed insight in electrical documentation standards, and we are active members of standardisation committees. We also publish the book “Electrical documentation according to standards”.
This insight in the IEC/EN electrical standards, is an integrated part of PCSCHEMATIC Automation. However, the program is designed so flexible, that you can also use it for other standards than the IEC/EN standards. – Even for your own set of standards!
7) How do I buy PCSCHEMATIC software?
To buy PCSCHEMATIC Automation, do this:
- You can buy our electrical CAD software, PCSCHEMATIC Automation, in our webshop
- If you need to contact us directly, please write to us here
8) Support: How can I get it?
When you buy PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you can get support from the PCSCHEMATIC agent in your own country. – Please contact your local PCSCHEMATIC reseller for further details. You can also get support (in English) directly from us at PCSCHEMATIC. This can take place using e-mail, telephone or NetViewer (where we can guide you directly on your own PC), as described at our Support page.
Please note, that it is also possible to learn about PCSCHEMATIC by ordering a web seminar, where we can teach you about different topics. This is also done using NetViewer. Please write to us for further details.
9) What happens to me after buying PCSCHEMATIC Automation?
When you have bought PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you automatically get:
- Three months of free support by e-mail. (Locally, if possible in your country. You are also welcome to contact us at PCSCHEMATIC – in English).
- Three months of free support by telephone. If you contact us at PCSCHEMATIC, we can also offer you support by telephone + NetViewer at the same time.
- You can use the PCSCHEMATIC database integrated with PCSCHEMATIC Automation.
- When you use PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you also get extra info via the internet, because of the integrated information system. You are automatically informed when a new update is released, when new videos are released, when the databases are updated or when a new version of PCSCHEMATIC Automation is released.
- Updates / patches for the version you purchased, are also available after the one year of free support expires. Critical errors are corrected for more than just the latest version.
Furthermore, you have access to these resources:
- Free access to the complete set of electrical design manuals for PCSCHEMATIC Automation.
- Free access to our electrical design videos on YouTube – where you can see PCSCHEMATIC Automation in action. These videos contains more than one hour of detailed information, and you can actually see the program in action.
- Free access to articles about electrical design CAD programs.
Contact us at any time
At PCSCHEMATIC we are very interested in hearing about your experiences using the PCSCHEMATIC Automation program. It is because of the feedback from our many users, that we are able to make a better product year by year!
So: Feel free to contact us at any time.