Many of the functions that you find under ”Tools” in PCSCHEMATIC Automation, have already been created using the COM/OLE Automation interface for PCSCHEMATIC Automation. This is because we have been using the interface ourselves for several years.

This means that you, free of charge, have access one of the programming tools, that our own software developers have access to when developing the software.

Create your own functions

If you have special demands to our software, this now means that you now can create exactly the functions you need. This ensures you, that you can adapt the software just the way you want.

If you do not have the necessary programming skills, it is also possible to make other developers create the needed functions/modules for you.

About support

The COM/OLE interface is an extra offer to all PCSCHEMATIC Automation users. Our support staff do not give support on the COM/OLE interface, which is not included in our maintenance agreement.

However, if you do have general questions about the interface, please contact us.