Established in 1975, Danish firm NODI A/S has earned a reputation worldwide as a designer, supplier, and manufacturer of high-quality fully automated flanging machines used in the air conditioning and filter industries and other sectors. Supplying virtually the whole world, NODI is focused on optimizing production by making everyday life more digital.

As a long-standing user of PCSCHEMATIC Automation for the design and documentation of its machines, NODI embarked on a collaboration with PCSCHEMATIC A/S to explore ways to save time and make their workflows easier.

Integrating the Mounting Assistant into their workflow has played an important role in optimizing production lines and supporting the goal to make everyday life more digital.

The Mounting Assistant module, included with every PCSCHEMATIC Automation license, is a tool for aiding the building and assembly of circuits making PCSCHEMATIC Automation a complete solution from design to build.

In a recent visit and tour of the NODI production facilities, Production Manager Torben Thorhauge Sønderstgård stressed the important role the Mounting Assistant has.

”The Mounting Assistant supports our ambition to get rid of the paper and digitize our work processes.”

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”By using the Mounting Assistant as an integral part of our process, we have been able to get rid of large amounts of paper in connection with the assembly of our hydraulic hoses. Previously printed drawings up to 3 meters long were used to determine which hoses are mounted and where. The process was error-prone and also inconvenient and expensive in terms of printing and paper consumption.”

Torben Thorhauge Sønderstgård, Nodi A/S

At a time of extra focus on the environment, PCSCHEMATIC is happy to make a difference.

”Now the process runs digitally via. screens on our production lines, our fitters can now easily see how hoses and fittings are to be mounted and where. Since we can also mark all cables with labels via. the system, it is easy to identify any faulty assemblies – previously these could take an incredibly long time to identify,” says Torben Thorhauge Sønderstgård.

With the Mounting Assistant, Nodi saves 60% of the time taken to install the hydraulic hoses in their machines.

The transition from paper to a digital solution has had a very positive impact on assembly times. It previously took around a working week to mount all the hydraulic hoses on one machine. The process is now reduced to just 2 days. 

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”Using PCSCHEMATIC Automation for hydraulic hoses was not the ’scenario’ in mind when the program was developed. Primarily intended for electrical wiring and components, it is a fantastic experience to observe our customers’ creativity in this way. It strengthens our belief that the program can help to optimize many parts of assembly work,”

Dorthe Larsen, PCSCHEMATIC

”The Mounting Assistant helps optimize our production and supports our ambition for a more digital everyday life,” says Torben Thorhauge Sønderstgård.

Using the Mounting Assistant has opened the eyes to how focusing on digitization can optimize processes and create a better and more efficient everyday life, with fewer errors and increased customer satisfaction.

It is not only in production that the digital approach makes everyday life easier and more efficient. The vast majority of NODI’s machines go abroad, and here the ongoing support and troubleshooting have become much easier to perform, as all components are now marked and registered in PCSCHEMATIC Automation. With a few images from the customer, the support team can relatively easily identify errors and guide the customer to a solution for the issue.

”With the support of PCSCHEMATIC, we continuously make adjustments that optimize the program”,

at NODI Torben and his colleagues are optimistic about the future and are expanding their production so that they can soon keep 4 production lines running at a time. The focus of rebuilding and expansion is to stick to the goal of digitizing as many processes as possible. Their ideas for digitizing more areas of the production processes are many. In close dialogue with the developers of PCSCHEMATIC, new ideas are discussed and developed for the Mounting Assistant.

To learn more about how you can optimize the installation of boards and controls, contact Dorthe Larsen at or phone +45 4678 8244.

Learn more about the Mounting Assistant