Around this time 30 years ago, the foundation was laid for the system we know today as PCSCHEMATIC Automation. From a simple idea for a software application to a program used by companies all over the world, it is a journey we are very proud of and which you will get a little insight into here.

Like many other good entrepreneurial stories, PCSCHEMATIC was also founded in a small office, based on a simple, but not easy, ambition to digitize manual processes to save time and improve the quality of work.

An ambition that remains one of the cornerstones of all the solutions we develop today.

The “architects” behind this ambition and the coding of the new innovative software were Werner Rossen, Janni Møller and Ove Larsen, of which Ove Larsen is still an important part of the company’s management and development team today.


The journey started back in 1978 with the idea of ​​developing a program that allowed you to draw electrical diagrams on a computer. A process that would save time and ensure a higher quality of work, when it subsequently could be transferred directly to the printing process and printing lists of the components used.

The first version of the program was written for a Unix machine, but it soon became clear that the program had to be rewritten for a PC and the DOS operating system. It was from this process that the product name became PCSCHEMATIC – schematics on a PC.


PCSCHEMATIC Automation was initially developed for the electronics industry and launched in 1989 at the Teknik & Data fair in Odense.

The interest was overwhelming, but interestingly, it was the opportunity to draw electricity charts that was a big focus. The challenge was taken up, and with an indomitable optimism – and with a little help from specialists – the first version of the product PCSCHEMATIC Electric Automation was presented the following year at the same fair.


Since then, time has flown by and the program has continuously evolved since. Today we count more than 20 versions that have been rolled out, and they have all been developed through invaluable feedback from the many people who use the program every day. The annual user meeting is the highlight, where we look forward to evaluating and develop with our users, to optimize and improve the features of the program – as Ove Larsen regularly puts it “we remove time robbers”.

”Dialogue is an essential part of our DNA”

Dialogue is an essential part of our DNA, and an important part of our continued ambition to develop software that makes a difference for employees and companies. We are driven by the ”joy of creating” and take pride in the fact that there is short distance from thought to action when we, or our customers, get a good idea for something that can improve our solutions.

Today, PCSCHEMATIC Automation is software used by companies in more than 30 countries and by many thousands of users. We are incredibly proud and happy with the entire journey, and we are looking forward to the next 30 years of developing software with our passionate employees and dedicated users.

In particular, we are proud and grateful that our ambition to be an important partner for our customers and for the people we communicate with every day has brought us this far.

We will continue to build on our solid foundation and strive for more success by creating together – using close dialogue and ideas for innovation in our field.

If you would like to hear more about our history and how our software can optimize processes for you and your company, you are always welcome to contact us at 4678 8244 or contact Sales Director Dorthe Larsen at